Maternity Leave

A candid conversation with the Averson Team


Something that you may or may not know about Averson is that the business is just over 3 years old and in that time we’ve welcomed three new babies into our families. Most recently, in the spring of 2023, we welcomed 2 babies within 3 weeks. Needless to say: our workplace has had some conversations about maternity leave, being working parents, being supportive supportive colleagues, and maintaining work/life balance in this season of our lives. 

Today we are pulling back the curtain a little bit and giving you a glimpse of what it looked like to coordinate maternity leave, how it affected our team and roles, and how we are doing on the other side. Now, before we go any further, we want to be clear that if you are looking for a how-to guide, or a perfect success story this is probably not going to be it. We are still in the process of reflecting on the experiences we’ve had thus far as a team and honing how we can do it better. But one thing we didn’t really have when we began to enter these waters ourselves, was a model or any context for how other teams have navigated these decisions. This transparent conversation is about what we experienced individually and as a team, and our hope is that it benefits others out there trying to make it work. It’s not scripted and is exclusive to us. Rest assured that your story can and will sound different!


Let’s keep the conversation going.

We recognize that everyone’s experience is unique. If this brings up ideas, thoughts and questions, we would love to hear from you!


Beyond a Logo: Cultivating a Brand Experience That Lasts


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